Youngkin Campaign Blasts McAuliffe for Upcoming Fundraiser with Bill Clinton

Terry McAuliffe


Former Virginia governor and current gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat, is heading to New York to fundraise with former President Bill Clinton.

The exclusive $1,000 per plate fundraiser will take place later this week, as the race between McAuliffe and his Republican counterpart, businessman Glenn Youngkin, enters its crucial final two months. For $50,000, donors can be listed as a “co-host” of the event. For $100,000, they can be listed as a “host.”

Youngkin’s campaign blasted McAuliffe for hosting the joint fundraiser with Clinton, noting a pattern of accepting campaign cash from seedy characters.

“After spending a few days prowling around Vegas with an alleged abuser and taking $100,000 from an ally of rapist Harvey Weinstein, McAuliffe is fundraising with his mentor Bill Clinton, a close pal of child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein and frequent flyer on the Lolita Express,” Youngkin campaign spokesman told The Virginia Star by email. “The Clintons campaigned for McAuliffe during his first two runs for governor and now it appears the Clinton machine is mobilizing again for McAuliffe’s third run.”

McAuliffe served as governor of Virginia from 2014 to 2018, and is now seeking his second non-consecutive term as the state’s highest-ranking official. He has recently been embroiled in scandal for failing to sign the paperwork to declare his candidacy, which could see him disqualified from the race, but likely will not.

He has also faced scrutiny for comments about vaccinating Americans against COVID-19 during the Las Vegas fundraiser mentioned by Martinez.

“Until we make it hard for people to get on planes or go to movie theaters, people just aren’t going to do it … We’re not going door to door, but you make life difficult, he said at that event.”

Younkin’s campaign described those comments as “chilling,” and noted that McAuliffe has accepted endorsements from several far-left groups during his campaign.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a contributor at The Virginia Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Terry McAuliffe and Bill Clinton” by Terry McAuliffe. 








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